In response to inquiries regarding NBS activities with respect to the European Union Regulation on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and restriction of Chemicals, or REACH, NBS is aware of the regulation and has instituted processes and resources to deal with the requirements.

Preview our letter for REACH-confirmation of compliance here

On 4th June 2015 the European Union published Directive (EU) 2015/863
which amends Annex II of Directive 2011/65/EU (‘RoHS 2’) with regards to the list of restricted substances (also known as ‘RoHS 3’,
adding 4 new substances (phthalates)).

Preview our letter for self declaration of RoHS3 conformity

UL is the trusted source across the globe for product compliance. Benefiting a range of customers - from manufacturers and retailers to consumers and regulating bodies.
Our factory is UL listed. Contact us for more info and documents we provide for UL certificates.
Preview our letter for UL Certificate